Using Insights to Drive Action

Using Insights to Drive Action

At GMMB, we draw on insights from research to help organizations large and small advance policies and shift mindsets to promote education equity at the local, state, and national levels.

For NAF, we persuaded business leaders across the country to hire high school interns as both a life-changing learning experience and a smart business decision.

In partnership with the Collaborative for Student Success, we’ve used sophisticated digital tactics to elevate teachers’ support for high academic standards in states at risk of rolling them back.

To inform Learning Heroes’ strategy we helped shape, analyze, and synthesize research to understand parents’ views on their children’s academic performance. We helped the Council for Great City Schools convince leaders in 16 more states to provide information on students’ postsecondary outcomes, which helps families and educators better support students’ success. 

Contact us to discuss how we can help your organization employ sharp communications strategies to cultivate laws and attitudes that will improve education for every student.