GMMB Response to Washington State Department of Enterprise Services Competitive Solicitation No. 20422 – Category 4

Contact: Melissa Simpson,

Maryland Health Benefit Exchange

Project Sample 2: Health Coverage Enrollment Campaign

Since 2015, GMMB has supported Maryland Health Benefit Exchange’s (MHBE) marketing and outreach efforts to enroll more Marylanders in health coverage through Maryland Health Connection, the state’s health insurance marketplace.

Heading into each annual Open Enrollment Period, we conduct qualitative or quantitative research to identify our audiences’ barriers and motivations to coverage, and to test messaging. From there, we develop an integrated creative campaign, including digital banners, social media ads, Black and Spanish-language print, billboards, TV and radio spots, and out-of-home options such as pharmacy kiosks, gas station screens, and signage on public transit. All assets are produced in English and Spanish.

To ensure our message penetrates with key audiences, particularly Black and Hispanic/Latino Marylanders, we center our campaign approach on community engagement. In coordination with local partners who specialize in reaching our target audiences, we disseminate our message via trusted voices including partnerships with faith leaders from Black mega churches and Hispanic parishes; organizations such as libraries, NAACP, Boys and Girls Clubs, and YMCAs; consulates from key immigrant populations; micro-influencers; and freelancer and gig economy organizations.

Each year we see enrollment increases among our target audiences, including Black and Hispanic/Latino Marylanders. Maryland Health Connection has shown one of the country’s fastest growth rates for enrollment, reducing its uninsured rate to an all-time low of 6%.



American Marketing Association Baltimore

  • Campaign of the Year – Won
  • Best Video Marketing Campaign of the Year – Won

The Telly Awards

  • Local TV not-for-profit and PSA – Gold, Silver


Hermes Creative Awards

  • Advertising Campaign – Platinum
  • Government Video – Platinum

Summit Creative Awards

  • Government Video – Silver


Graphic Design USA

  • Advertising Campaign – Won



American Marketing Association Baltimore

  • Best Social Media Campaign of the Year – Won

4.1 Audience Analysis, Research, and Message Testing

Maryland Health Connection 2022 Audience Research Report reflects findings from 30 in-depth interviews with uninsured Marylanders to understand their experience with and barriers to enrolling in health insurance and preference for messaging. We focused on recruiting a geographically diverse cohort among our target audiences of Black, Hispanic/Latino, and young adult Marylanders.

4.2 Transcreation and Culture-Centered Messaging

Example 1 – Advertising for Hispanic/Latino Audiences

Spanish video

English video

Example 2 – FAQ Video Series in American Sign Language

American Sign Language video

English video

4.3 Communications Plan

OE10 Marketing and Outreach Campaign Plan outlines the overall strategy including goals, target audiences, environmental considerations, and research findings for the 2022 Open Enrollment period. It also includes initial tactical plans for communications efforts including messaging, media planning, outreach, social media, and collateral.

4.4 Idea and Brand Development

Example 1 – MBHE Concept Deck and “Sweet Pea” Television Advertisement

Example 2 – “Sounds Painful” Radio Script and Advertisement

4.5 Writing

Example 1 – Maryland Health Connection for Small Business Whiteboard Video

English video

Spanish video

Example 2 – Easy Enrollment Palm Card

4.6 Quality

Example 1 – Testimonial Video: Paula

Example 2 – Out-of-Home Mall Ads: Unexpected

Example 3 – Animated Digital Banner Ads: Backaches to Bad Breaks

4.7 Media Planning

Media planning documents include the media buy outlining platforms, budget allocations, and flight dates for the 2022 Open Enrollment period, and final reports of the buy’s performance. The report of linear advertising (TV, out-of-home, radio) includes GRPs and added value, and the report of digital advertising includes key metrics like impressions, click-through-rates, and frequency. Media planning was informed by research of our target audiences to ensure the highest performing message was delivered through the most frequented channels at the times when our audience is primed to receive them.

4.8 Social Media

Example 1 – Special Enrollment Animated Graphic Series (Instagram, Facebook, and X Channels)

Example 2 – Influencer Open Enrollment Content

MHBE_Social_4.8_Material 2a

Example 3 – Pride Graphic Series that ran on Maryland Health Connection (Instagram, Facebook, and X Channels)

4.11 Evaluation and Measuring Impact

OE9 Marketing and Outreach Campaign Report analyzes our communications and marketing efforts in the fall of 2021. It includes high-level metrics for paid advertising and social media tactics, an overview of partnerships and outreach, collateral highlights, as well as takeaways on how to better reach and serve our audiences.