Ben Hawkins

Managing Director, Creative Director

Ben brings more than fifteen years of experience in social marketing, integrated advertising campaigns and branding. He’s a big idea generator, writer and leader of creative teams. His vivid imagination and shape shifting skills have been instrumental in expanding the firm’s capabilities, tackling new media and creating innovative ways to reach target audiences.

Ben is wired for causes and has put his creative firepower behind numerous campaigns for associations, foundations, nonprofits, government and corporations looking to strengthen their CSR efforts. He has produced effective and award-winning work for a range of clients, including the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Lung Association, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Credit Union National Association, Consumers Union, Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, FINRA Investor Education Foundation, L’Oreal, Lupus Foundation of America, New Jersey Department of Health, Novo Nordisk, Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation, UNICEF, USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the World Bank.

Prior to joining GMMB, Ben worked at McCann-Erickson, where he honed his copywriting skills and keen visual eye in the realm of product advertising. His clients included US Airways, National Breast Cancer Coalition, Points of Light Foundation and Marriott. He graduated from West Virginia University with honors, completing a triple major in English Literature, Spanish and Cultural Geography.